Section 5 of the AMCAS® Application: Work and Activities
Here you will enter any work experience, extracurricular activities, awards, etc.
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Think about the work experience, extracurricular activities, awards, honors, or publications that you would like to bring to the attention of your medical schools.
Please refer to this guide which provides instructions for entering “Completed” and “Anticipated” experience hours. Information for first-time applicants and reapplicants, as well as examples, are included.
- A maximum of 15 experiences may be entered; however you can enter up to four occurrences for each experience.
- Enter only significant experiences; medical schools are interested in quality rather than quantity.
- Work and activities will appear on your application in chronological order and you cannot rearrange them. However, medical schools can sort your entries and view them in a variety of orders to suit their specific review processes.
- You may identify up to three experiences that you consider to be the most meaningful. If you have two or more entries, you will be required to identify at least one as the most meaningful. When you designate an activity as being most meaningful, you will be given an additional 1325 characters to explain why. When writing your response, you might want to consider the transformative nature of the experience, the impact you made while engaging in the activity, and the personal growth you experienced as a result of your participation.
- If you plan to cut and paste your experience description into the application, draft it in plain text, preferably in text-only word processing software, such as Microsoft Notepad or Mac TextEdit. Copying formatted text into the application may result in formatting issues that cannot be edited once your application is submitted.